Archive for April 8th, 2002

Apr 08 2002


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When you visit somewhere on vacation, do you ever imagine the kind of life you could have if you moved there? I’m always living these parallel lives in my imagination, and since we live where housing is so expensive, it doesn’t seem such an unreasonable notion. We could sell our apartment for more than twice what we paid for it, even given the current recession, and buy something else outright with money to spare.

Recent notions:

This 1845 house near where we used to spend summers in Maine when I was a child.

This “romantic and restful ocean view home”, near where my brother and sister live.

An apartment in Paris, near Caf&eacute Flore. As long as John had a satellite dish, he’d be happy.

Or, why not buy a ch&acircteau with its own vineyard? Ch&acircteau Suzy could be the next big thing to come out of Bordeaux. Well, maybe Ch&acircteau Suzanne.

Then there’s Italy. Imagine a beautiful apartment, perfectly situated in the Tuscan countryside between Italy and Florence. Or on the Grand Canal in Venice. “Liable to occasional tidal flooding.” Well, everything has its drawbacks.

Where would you live if money and other annoyances like work were no object?

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