Aug 18 2013

August 18

Published by at 6:25 am under Family,Memories

“As I walked away, he called to me, and when I turned back he said, “They’re never far from us, you know.”

“Who?” I asked.

“The dead. No more’n a breath. You let that last one go and you’re with them again.”

— William Kent Krueger, Ordinary Grace

We love you and miss you, Dad. You are always in our hearts.

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One response so far

One Response to “August 18”

  1. Guy Charbonneauon 18 Aug 2013 at 3:04 pm

    I cannot tell you how deeply I also miss my parents, their love was my great strength, my greatest blessing. It is not their shoes I can wear, only their footsteps I may follow. They shall forever remain in my heart and at my side to guide me, of this, I am certain.