Jan 10 2013

The Monkey’s Paw

Published by at 6:18 pm under Memories,Work

When my father died, all I wanted was to have him back. But I knew that if that wish were granted, it would be in a horrifying Monkey’s Paw manner – he would be an autopsied zombie knocking at my door instead of the delightful companion who walked with me on the moors, enjoyed the artwork at the Hermitage, cooked the best food I ever ate, knew his wine, and still told Pooh stories.

I have always loved children’s books where magic becomes part of the every day life of otherwise ordinary-ish kids, such as the wonderful work by E. Nesbit and Edward Eager, but even as a child (and while enjoying these books), the whole three wishes set up struck me as silly. All you have to do is wish for as many wishes as you want, and use the second wish to ward off the possible Monkey’s Paw consequences. Then you still have the third one in reserve, not to mention all the unlimited ones.

I’m sure there is some secret condition that makes sure you get the Monkey’s Paw and not the unlimited wish-filled life of bliss, though.

So, as the old saw says, be careful what you wish for…

When I said that I was having a hard time getting back into my routine, someone heard me and decided to throw me a curve ball, in the form of my boss/partner telling me that I have to return to San Francisco next week.

Since we are trying to grow our business, we really need a good website, and part of this new and improved website will be our bios and accompanying professional photos. Boss suggested that I get the photo taken this week. He was astonished to learn that there are no such photographers in the Big Town, which also has no dry cleaner, for example. He said he’d set up something in the distant East Bay town where he lives, so I will have to take a day off from the jobette (with no pay) and drive back to the Bay Area next week.

We’ll go together to the photographer, and it will be good to see him. We were supposed to get together when I was there last week, but his 90 year father had health issues and Boss had to fly to his bedside back East. So it will be good to see him, and I might get to see the exhibit at the Legion of Honor which I did not get around to last week despite my plans. I’m not looking forward to doing that drive again so soon, though.

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “The Monkey’s Paw”

  1. Guy Charbonneauon 11 Jan 2013 at 6:49 am

    We all need the strength and joy that comes from knowing that we were loved. With it, we are creative, we march tirelessly and we are able to sacrifice for others, this is what your father’s gift was to you and he would be proud to know that you continue with his teachings, have a safe trip.

  2. Mike Charbonneauon 14 Jan 2013 at 1:25 pm

    It’s a shame I wasn’t closer. I could have taken your headshots and we could have chatted about your website. 😉

  3. suzyon 14 Jan 2013 at 6:16 pm

    That would be awesome! Why don’t you hop on a plane and meet me in SF on Thursday?!

  4. Mike Charbonneauon 15 Jan 2013 at 10:52 am

    Shoot, I’m busy Thursday!