Mar 19 2012

A Date with Your Family

Published by at 5:56 am under Country Life,Weather

Well, it’s been storming up a storm out there. There’s another two inches of rain in the gauge – maybe more – and the frogs are peeping up a storm. Frogs rejoicing in the joy of rain is usually a winter sound around here, like chainsaws (for clearing trees and branches fallen in storms) and robins (they spend the winter here), so it’s a little strange to hear the frog chorus this late and this loud in the year.

But it’s really been the recent work swampage (and more to come) that has kept me from seeing my family much lately. That, and our busy schedules. So last week, I decided it was high time to make a Date with My Family.

If you haven’t seen the hilarious “Mystery Science Theater 3000” satire of it (and have civilization-level internet), click on this link to watch it. Made in 1950 and narrated by the inimitable Hugh “Ward Cleaver” Beaumont, it’s a creepy little public service announcement which basically tells people to repress their emotions and act nice at the dinner table, no matter what.

No-one wants to know how you really think or feel!

So when I delivered this week’s Thursday dinner (Mexican chicken casserole with charred tomato salsa), I asked Jonathan if he could go for a drive with me and make sure all is well with Miss Scarlett. After all that front end work and belt melt last fall, I am now hyper-aware of any unusual noises or smells, and I was sure the engine was growling too much and the car was vibrating too much at 60 and above.

So we set off in the rain and wind. Jonathan said that the brakes are in great shape, the car handles really well, and drives true (he tested this by taking his hands off the wheel and noting that the car didn’t drift at all). We drove over 65 and he could see what I meant about the vibration, but doesn’t think it’s anything serious. All in all, he said, he’d be delighted if his car felt as good as mine.

Which made me feel good.

After we hugged good-bye and he set off to his fire department meeting, I went over to Megan’s for a belated celebration of the arrival of Rob’s money. We were going to watch “I Capture the Castle”, a movie made from one of my favorite books, but alas, it didn’t play on her DVD player, so we watched “Five Children and It” instead. Nothing like the also beloved book, but still fun. Especially with Cosmos in hand.

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “A Date with Your Family”

  1. Joyon 19 Mar 2012 at 9:14 am

    You are so lucky to have a brother and sister – not to mention a brother-in-law – so close. Wish even one of my brothers was nearby. Still, we have some of the family not too far away… I must count our blessings.

    Weather all over the globe is differing from the norm. I wonder why it is that so many people cannot get themselves to believe in global warming?????????


  2. Guy Charbonneauon 19 Mar 2012 at 11:57 am

    Never a better time than a date with family, I agree with Joy, you’re lucky indeed.

  3. Mike Charbonneauon 19 Mar 2012 at 3:24 pm

    I’m just so impressed that you have a rain gauge! BTW, if we ever visit, can you make us our Mexican chicken casserole?

  4. suzyon 22 Mar 2012 at 4:05 pm

    I can definitely make it for you – and/or email you the recipe.

    I can’t take credit for the rain gauge – my friend Jim gave it to me. And I’m always forgetting to empty it out between days/storms.