Dec 09 2011

Christmas Musings

Published by at 6:41 am under Country Life

Where did the week go? Suddenly, it’s Friday, with nothing blogged. All work and no play makes Suzy a non-blogger.

I haven’t even started my Christmas cards yet, probably because I lost my address book back in June and am still in denial, meaning that I have addresses on Post-Its and in my email, but that’s about it. So I’d have to round them up, write them in an address book, and then write them on a card and send it. I ask you, does that sound like the Suzy you know and love?

Maybe I’ll skip it this year and see if the world comes to an end.

On the other hand, I put up all the lights and have been acquiring things for stockings. There’s an impressive array of boxes and bags and things and stuff in the studio/cold storage. I’m considering putting up my fabulous vintage Christmas tree this year, though there are a couple of problems with that:

1. I still don’t have a holder for its broomstick-slender trunk (I think it may actually be a broomstick); and

b. There are three cats in the house.

But I love the idea of having a fake tree in a place surrounded by real trees. Also, it’s pretty and sparkly.

On Wednesday, I came home from work in the semi-darkness and noticed that a light was on inside the house. I wondered if I’d left it on all day (eep!), but it turned out that Rob had come over to turn on the heat and a couple of lights to make the house more welcoming for me. Isn’t that nice? OK, he was doing some laundry, too, but still.

We hung out a while, and he asked me if I had any projects for him to do. He is planning to fill in the hole in the concrete under the laundry room door, and also make a custom hole for the giant extension cord which will hook up my house to the generator Jonathan gave me (which I still don’t know how to use) so it will be a little less drafty in the cold storage area of the house.

I’m pretty sure I can convince him to make me a Christmas tree stand.

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One response so far

One Response to “Christmas Musings”

  1. Guy Charbonneauon 09 Dec 2011 at 12:17 pm

    By all means, take out your vintage Christmas tree, surround yourself with the magic of it all, don’t worry too much about the cards, not many have followed the tradition since the invention of E-Mail, although I still send mine. You are already surrounded with love, your sister, Rob etc, think of yourself and put up the tree, the cats will love you for it.