Archive for December 16th, 2011

Dec 16 2011


Published by under Family,Friends

Rob’s truck was still waiting by the side of the road yesterday. I couldn’t help thinking that if this had happened in Oakhampton, there’d be nothing left but a graffitied, possibly burning hulk after 24 hours. Megan told me that while she was waiting for Rob to rescue her on Wednesday, about a dozen people stopped to ask if she needed help, including an off-duty firefighter and a bicyclist. Again, not the Oaktown experience. Anyway, the truck is back home where it belongs, ready for the next adventure.

As for John, I’m not sure where he is, though I hope it’s his brother’s place in Ottawa. I followed his flights online, as he asked me to (the idea being that if anything happens to him, I will go and collect his cats), and was dismayed to see that his flight to Philadelphia was nearly an hour and a half late, leaving him 15 minutes to catch the connecting flight to Ottawa. He only had carry on, but I’m not sure I’d take that bet.

I’ll let you know when I hear from him. John’s father Ed’s memorial service is tomorrow at 1:00 in the afternoon. Oddly, tomorrow is also the day John and I met, way back in the 1980s, and also the day his brother Mike married his wife Charmaine, even more years ago than that. Mike and Charmaine have been at Marj’s side ever since Ed died. I know I will be thinking of all of them tomorrow, and I hope you will, too.

As for me, I’m making a special guest appearance at the jobette today. We are having a holiday lunch, followed by a holiday party in the early evening for our Boards and other well-wishers, so I wanted to help set up, host, and clean up. It’s going to be a long day.

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