Sep 08 2010

Cleaning Up

Published by at 10:01 am under Cats,Country Life

There’s gotta be more trouble I can get into!

Yesterday, I heard someone outside and went to investigate. It turned out to be Mark, who was here to operate on the new-ish window. He applied flashing to weatherproof it, and topped it off with some weathered boards using a magic compressor nail gun, and it looks great. While he was here, we decided to clean up the lingering construction debris which has been hanging around the house.

He drove over with a little wooden cart attached to his car, and we loaded it up twice with boards, wood, etc.I guess it’s one of life’s little ironies that I finally get the house camera-ready when I have no camera.

That situation will be rectified soon. I ordered a Canon Powershot on line for half price, and hope it arrives soon. I’m already missing valuable days of documenting the kittens, who seem to be growing more every day. Roscoe the Rascal lived up to his nickname last night by climbing up the handles of the drawers in the kitchen.

I finally organized the shelf space in the kitchen. It was a repulsive process, since I mislaid my rubber gloves and had to, you know, actually touch the dirt with my bare hands. In typical James fashion, the shelves are difficult to reach into (I am too short for a house built for and by a man more than a foot taller than I am), so I had to sweep out the grossness before crawling into the space to wash it. Not even Mrs. Meyer’s Lemon Verbena could make that more fun. It does look a lot better, though, and hopefully I’ll be able to supply proof before too long. Now that I can’t take pictures*, everything seems like a photo opportunity!

*I have to admit – I keep trying my camera, just in case. Even though it never works.

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Cleaning Up”

  1. Joyon 08 Sep 2010 at 5:09 pm

    Sounds as though the house is bring re-organized both inside and out….
    You will be exhausted by the time you have finished.
    The kitten is certainly growing by leaps and bounds. ( you will have to identify each for a learner when they are not front-facing..)


  2. suzyon 08 Sep 2010 at 5:12 pm

    I couldn’t tell who it is! I still have a hard time telling them apart.

  3. Guyon 09 Sep 2010 at 5:14 am

    You’re still doing a good job with the photos, the kittens seem to be groing day to day, so it seems, they look very healthy and playful.

  4. suzyon 09 Sep 2010 at 7:20 am

    They definitely are. The picture is from the day before the camera died.

    Apparently I won’t get the new camera until September 22!!