Feb 06 2010


Published by at 11:37 am under Calamity Suzy,Weather

Well, the rain has made the leap from faithful companion to stalker. It’s a fine line, but after about a month of rain and gloom, I think it’s safe to say the line has been well and truly crossed. And it’s making me cross.

Megan and I were thinking of going to town to run some errands, but looking at the pouring rain made us change our minds. At least for now. It did, however, inspire me to do the laundry and polish some silver.

I guess you know what it takes to make me domestic.

Given the endless rain and my miserliness at using up the expensive propane supply, I invested in a clothes rack to dry my clothes in the living room. This does not lend a note of elegance to one’s decor, and I’ll have to see how effective it is. In Oakland I could hang the clothes out on the porch and they’d dry in a day or two, but here it’s too rainy and damp. And much colder. So I’m hoping that the clothes rack will work out.

It’s not without its hazards, however. While carrying the clothes from the laundry room/pantry, I tripped and fell flat on my hands and knees, scattering clean clothes everywhere. I also scattered the boxes piled up by the laundry room door, where I had carefully placed them to keep them away from the open flame of the dryer.

As I got up, I thought that I haven’t been doing so well with this resolution thing. Maybe I need to scale it back to something like “no major mishaps” or “Only one minor accident a month”.

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Revision”

  1. Guyon 07 Feb 2010 at 4:22 am

    Take heart Suzy, the weather will get better soon, meanwhile, don’t be so hard on yourself, take a good book and relax.

  2. Amberon 07 Feb 2010 at 10:37 pm

    I could never get used to hanging my clothes to dry. I’m too impatient, and got tired of looking at them while waiting for them to dry that I’d eventually just throw them in the dryer with a promise I’d do better the next time… which I never did!

    Good luck! Hopefully you’re more patient than I!

  3. suzyon 08 Feb 2010 at 9:16 am

    Mark did fix the leaks. And it’s taking the clothes a really long time to dry. 🙂

  4. Kathleenon 08 Feb 2010 at 9:57 am

    If it makes you feel better, because of stupid El Nino we’re supposed to be getting 6-10″ of the white crap over the course of tomorrow and Wednesday.