Jan 21 2010


Published by at 12:50 pm under Country Life,Weather

Just as Megan left for work last night, another thunderstorm started. I’ve lost track by now, but I think that makes around 9,000 of them over the past week. I’ve endured more thunderstorms here in the past few days than I ever did in all the years that I lived in the Bay Area. It’s amazing how different the weather is, considering it’s only 150 miles away.

Not that you could drive there now, since the one road that goes there is flooded and closed.

I’m in serious danger of turning into a mushroom. And you know how I feel about mushrooms.

About an hour after Megan left for work, I was cowering through the roar of the thunder, the clatter of the hail, and the battering of the rain when the phone rang.

One of the other unexpected things about the power outage earlier this week is that cordless phones don’t work. Fortunately, Rose left behind a truly hideous brown corded phone. And because it’s corded, I always know where it is, unlike the cordless ones which I leave all over the place and then have to search for when they ring.

I answered the phone, and a weird man’s voice asked for me.

I cautiously admitted it was me, wondering who it was.

It was Rob, and he burst out laughing at the tone of my voice. He called to say that Meg had arrived safely at work, and that if the power went out again, he’d come over and get the generator going for me.

Isn’t that nice? On the other hand, he characterized the storm that was freaking me out as “not that bad”, making me wonder what would be considered bad. Hmmm.

Before I went to bed, I made sure the coffee was ground (so I could use the French press) and filled a couple of pots with water (so I could boil it for coffee) and the dishes done. I have jugs of water and a couple of buckets full for bathroom purposes, and a flashlight by the bed, so I was as prepared as I could be. Fortunately, it turned out that I didn’t need any of it, since the power valiantly stayed on.

As I write, it’s still dark and rainy, and the future looks as gloomy as the present. At least according to the weather forecasters. I think they’re the only ones enjoying this.

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Soggy”

  1. Joyon 21 Jan 2010 at 7:02 pm

    It’s just like camping, Suzy !!! I think you are going to have to develop a sense of humour while you live in the country. It doesn’t sound as though it is for the faint of heart either, so gird thy loins………


  2. Guyon 22 Jan 2010 at 4:09 am

    Being so close to the sea you will obviously get more storms just like Ottawa being in a valley, we get more snow and humidity, it’s the way it is, better get use to it.

  3. Jenniferon 22 Jan 2010 at 9:08 am

    Maybe listing all the good things about moving to the country would help. Better a huge storm than witnessing a drive-by shooting.

  4. suzyon 22 Jan 2010 at 9:32 am

    It’s a lot safer and quieter than Oakland, that’s for sure. None of my five doors have locks, and my car is unlocked in the driveway!