Jan 01 2010


Published by at 5:06 pm under Family,Special Occasions

So it took me this long to notice that the peacock ornaments match my painting. The painting is by Keith Wicks, and it’s called “Russian Hill”. It’s one of the few remaining vestiges of my formerly gracious life, like my diamond watch and my Manolo Blahniks.

Amazingly, the cats have left the peacocks alone so far. I guess chasing real birds makes glass ones a lot less interesting.

I left the cats in charge and went to my sister’s last night, armed with a bottle of sorta-Champagne (it was from Sonoma). My brother and his friend K turned up with split pea soup and cornbread for dinner, along with another bottle of Sonoma’s finest. We listened to music, laughed, and talked. My siblings are confident that this year will be a good one, maybe because they have the well is going now and that’s one step closer to my sister moving there, too. So we talked about the past and the future, memories and hopes.

We didn’t manage to stay up until midnight, but the moonlight was bright enough that I didn’t need the flashlight on my way home. I have learned to look up at the sky between the trees instead of at the ground. In the still of the night, I could hear the ocean.

Happy new year, one and all. Here’s hoping my sibs are right, and it’s a good one.

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “New”

  1. Guyon 02 Jan 2010 at 5:01 am

    Sounds like you had a a wonderful time, many more to come I’m sure, again Happy New Year to all.

  2. Joyon 02 Jan 2010 at 6:34 am

    What a nice way to spend New Year’s Eve…. and how wonderful to be able to hear the ocean from where you live.

    Enjoy the here and now, I’m sure the worst is behind you.


  3. Alisonon 02 Jan 2010 at 9:06 am

    What a beautiful painting! And it sounds like a lovely evening. Happy New Year, Suzy.