Oct 28 2009

Good & Bad Day

Published by at 2:28 pm under Cats,Country Life,Henry

Early morning in my garden

Today was one of those frustrating days.

The internet was crawling at a pace which would have made a snail laugh as it zipped by (and still is, even as I write), and it was impossible for me to access my work database and get anything done, even though I had a deadline. The phone mostly works, depending on where I’m standing or sitting, so I could call our IT person back in civilization and my boss in Detroit and alert them of the problem.

I tried to do some of my laundry while I was waiting for the internet to be restored (a girl can dream). Among the lovely items needing to be cleaned are the poo carrier and the cloths I used to acquire the housemaid’s knee (which is bothering me today). I washed the regular laundry first, and put it in the dryer. Though the dryer went, it didn’t dry anything, so I spent an hour’s worth of propane for nothing.

I found the clothesline and fastened it to a couple of handy trees, then hung the laundry on hangers on the line, since I couldn’t find the clothespins. Hopefully that will work. I’ll have to alert the landlord about the non-dryingness of the dryer before I attack the rest of that chore.

Add in some wrangling with the credit card people and you have a really excellent day.

On the bright side, Henry purred for the first time today. He was sitting next to me on the couch and I was petting him when I heard a strange sound. It was a rusty and rumbling purr. I petted him until he got overwhelmed and bit me gently. He really just catches my hand in his mouth to tell me to knock it off. Much better than The Claw.

The girls ventured outside today and explored the garden. It was fun to see them looking around. They are definitely cautious – my sister says they know they are both predator and prey – but I think they had a good time. They came to the “front” door and waited until I let them in this afternoon, and they’re safely in now, so this may work out just fine. I’ll be thrilled to get rid of the litter box, let me tell you!

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Good & Bad Day”

  1. Amberon 28 Oct 2009 at 6:45 pm

    ah, mine still come in and use the litter box…

    hopefully the work situation gets fixed up. Having the same issues over here moving to a new system and new computer and just being downright annoyed by the whole thing…

  2. Guyon 29 Oct 2009 at 4:33 am

    I’m glad to hear the cats are adjusting well, you have had amazing results with Henry I see, he knows who loves him. Internet, phones, electronics they all seem to reak down when you need them the most and least ecpect I’m afraid.

  3. Jenniferon 29 Oct 2009 at 11:30 am

    Nothing smells better than clothes that are dried outside on the line! Plus the added benefit that you’re helping reduce global-warming…however small that may be.

  4. suzyon 30 Oct 2009 at 7:41 am

    That’s true. I always hung out the wash in Oakland, even in the winter (it just took longer), but I put it on the porch. My clothesline-hanging skills need work. Good thing I have the boys to help me with things like that.