Apr 23 2009

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Published by at 2:46 pm under Cats,Henry,Weather

View from my porch

The heat wave has gone back to hell, where it definitely belongs. Probably good practice for me, though. It’s nice to be able to open the blinds instead of living in the strange, hot gloom, feeling besieged by the relentless sun.

The sun is feeling kinder and gentler today, possibly sorry for its earlier temper tantrum and trying to make up for it by being nice, even though we all know it will be back to its old tricks again soon enough.

The kitties are celebrating the return of the cool. Henry is lounging openly on the grass, instead of hiding in whatever shade he can find. The girls are chasing each other around the house instead of lying exhausted on the porch or by the front door, seeking an errant breath of air. So we’re back to normal. For now.

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow”

  1. Guyon 24 Apr 2009 at 4:35 am

    Glad to see that you’re getting a break from the heat, we wish a bit of that heat on ourselves here in Ottawa, although not to the extreme that you guys have had.

  2. Mikeon 24 Apr 2009 at 9:00 am

    Ah, so global warming is over! The Republicans will be happy to hear it. Meanwhile, the temperature for Paris has dropped 8 to 10 degrees over the last week. Regardless, that shall not deter us!

  3. Joy Fon 24 Apr 2009 at 3:59 pm

    Better to be exploring a City in cooler weather than sweltering heat.. Just hope it doesn’t rain for for the happy couple. Oops! I seem to be commenting on another Blog …..sorru about that Suzy…

    Glad your life and the kitties’ is somewhat back to normal, for the time being, not forgetting Henry, of course.
    Long may it last.
