Apr 18 2009

Audrey Takes the Air

Published by at 7:22 am under Cats,Henry

Here’s the baby girl, interrupted during her post-prandial bath on the porch. Cats have no problem bathing in full sight of the neighbors, or, in this case, other cats. You can see Henry’s rose bush in the background. He has a tent under it and his dishes are next to it, and he also has his bed under the porch until the winter rains start again.

I felt bad about evicting him from the porch, with its futon couch and blanket, but now the rain seems to have really gone away, it’s only fair for the girls to be able to sniff the air and get some sun, or breezes when it gets hot again, which I’m sure will be sooner than I’d like. And since the weather has improved, I hardly see Henry other than at breakfast, when I make the most of my opportunity to pet his soft fur and have a little chat.

It’s been almost a year since I started taking care of Henry, and sometimes I question the wisdom of blunting his survival skills by giving him food and water. But other times, I’m so thankful that I could help him and make a difference in his life. He definitely trusts me, though I can never pick him up or cuddle him. And it gladdens my heart to see him running toward me in the morning, or sleeping peacefully, knowing he’s safe.

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Audrey Takes the Air”

  1. Guyon 18 Apr 2009 at 11:46 am

    I’m sure you have a friend for life having taken care of Henry like you have, good for you Suzy, animals need all the help and support we can give them considering what we have done to their environment. Animals do not have the gift of speach, but if Henry did, he would tell you many stories and would extend his many thanks for everything.

  2. Joy Fon 18 Apr 2009 at 3:38 pm

    Smashing photo….like the way the sunlight falls on Audrey picking out those gingery bits…. She really has grown a lot this last winter. She seems to have a very long tail too.
    Does Henry ever try to enter his old abode at all?


  3. suzyon 18 Apr 2009 at 4:07 pm

    Joy – Thanks! Yes, Audrey has grown a lot. She and June both have really long tails, which are usually up in the air!

    Henry does sit on the steps sometimes. I feel guilty, but it’s not fair that the girls have to stay in the house while Henry can roam around outside. It’s a tricky balancing act!

    Guy – I hope you’re right. I always appreciate your perspective and insight.