Feb 08 2009


Published by at 7:30 pm under TV

Today I followed the advice of a wise friend and took it easy. I stayed in my PJs all day and other than necessities, like feeding indoor and outdoor cats, mostly watched TV, which is one of the only good things about being sick. After the Red Wings game this morning (3-0 Detroit!), it was a Veronica Mars binge, whose sweetness was tempered by the bitterness of knowing that it, like almost every other TV show that gains my love, has been cancelled.

In one episode, Veronica summed things up perfectly for me: “I’m so sick of not having money! I’d be the best rich person. Seriously. I’d be the perfect combination of frivolous and sensible. Money is so wasted on the wealthy.”

Really, I couldn’t have put it better myself.

Since I am, sadly, not wealthy (or at least not yet), I have to work, which involves going to Sacramento for a conference tomorrow. Hopefully, I’ll feel better by then. Remind me to tell you about my foray to Golden Gate Park yesterday, and about the creeping menace, ‘K?

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Sicko”

  1. grandpapaon 09 Feb 2009 at 5:48 am

    Glad you took some time to relax, seems so much like a waste of time at first, but it will pay you to relax in the long run, you will feel stronger on monday because of it.

  2. Kathleenon 10 Feb 2009 at 9:16 am

    I’m sure you brought luck to my Wings, so thanks for watching! How sweet was it when Hossa got the goal and shut up the Pittsburgh fans???

  3. Amberon 11 Feb 2009 at 5:58 pm


    I miss Veronica Mars…