Jan 11 2009


Published by at 6:29 pm under Cats,Henry,Weather

Audrey and June watch Henry TV

It was an exceptionally beautiful day today. Clear blue skies, around 65 degrees (or 17, if you prefer – I always think Metric makes everything sound worse. Temperatures are colder, and distances longer). I had the doors and windows open most of the day, and it was nice to hear the drone of lawnmowers (not mine, though I really should do something about that grass before it starts raining again), the rush of cars on the freeway, the lonely hoot of a passing train. I still have them open, even though it’s nearly 6 in the evening and the sun just slipped into the Bay in a dazzle of pink and violet. I have noticed this past week that the sun is staying around a little later, instead of hastily packing up its things and dashing off at five, like a bored office worker.

The kittens love having the doors and window open. They can watch passing birds and people and smell the grass and flowers. They can keep a much better watch on Henry, too.

Ever since he moved onto the porch at the start of the winter’s rains, they have been fascinated. He’s like a Wii or something to them. They spend a lot of time watching him, from my desk (which can get crowded when I’m trying to work, but has the best Henry view), or the window in the kitchen. I’ll know if he moves from the couch, because the girls hit the floor and I hear their busy little feet running into the kitchen to watch him.

The past couple of days are the first ones this winter that have been warm enough to open the house, so it’s been very exciting for June and Audrey to have just a screen between them and Henry. It’s HD Henry TV!

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “HD HTV”

  1. Joyon 11 Jan 2009 at 6:56 pm

    Just an excellent blog, yet again..

    Our cats, too, enjoy looking out the windows, checking out the birds also their wild cousins who are always busy coming & going. All the activity keeps them active too – charging from one room to another, upstairs and down.

    I wonder when Henry will demand to come in and be officially introduced to the girls?


  2. grandpapaon 12 Jan 2009 at 8:12 am

    Lucky you’re to be able to open your windows, in Ottawa, the weather is in the minus, if it’s not snowing which keeps the temperature at around -5, the weather stays around -15 or so and going down to -22 this week without the windchill factor, enjoy the priviledge.

  3. Caton 14 Jan 2009 at 3:06 am

    I can’t believe they don’t make a run for it! Marilyn was never that good. She was always jumping out of windows, even my bedroom window on the second floor!

  4. suzyon 14 Jan 2009 at 7:36 am

    They can’t – there are screen doors (metal and lockable) and screens in the windows, so they’re trapped! Otherwise, they’d be a distant memory by now….