Dec 03 2008

Once Is Not Enough

Published by at 6:39 pm under Dogs,Schatzi

Joy asked for more Schatzi photos, so here they are. Again, I apologize for the complete lack of skill on the part of the photographer. You can see the adorable star on her chest, her French manicure with the white tips on her paws, and the affectionate look in her eyes. She’s a brindled pit bull, though they come in many colors and sizes. She’s a ladylike 34 pounds!

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Once Is Not Enough”

  1. Kathleenon 05 Dec 2008 at 4:08 am

    Schatzi is ADORABLE!!!

  2. Joy Fielderon 05 Dec 2008 at 6:10 am

    Photos are great and Schatzi does look a beautiful and also a gentle dog. Good eyes. Love the white tips on her paws. I particularly like the second photo. I didn’t know this is what a pit bull looks like. How can people be so cruel to animals???????

    Thanks very much for these,Suzy.


  3. Meganon 05 Dec 2008 at 10:36 am

    All Pit Bulls ( American Pit Bull Terriers APBT) are descendants of Mastiffs. Brindles were made with American Staffordshire terriers, others made from Bull dogs. Hence Brindles don’t have the large head and squat bodies.Pits are just wonderful family pets, but, do require a firm pack leader! Shatzie was the only dog that never growled at Jessica when she was in the toddler terror years! Don’t believe the hype, they’re a great breed.