Archive for October 11th, 2007

Oct 11 2007


Published by under Cats

It’s hard to work with the kittens around. They love playing on my desk so much that I have removed anything with toy potential (especially that pen shaped like a palm tree), but they still keep popping up to see what I?m doing. Not content to merely observe, they walk on the keys. I keep moving them away, but they keep coming back like fuzzy little boomerangs.

All this office time has netted them some pretty impressive skills for 3 month olds. So far, they have:

  • Annnotated an email: \———–
  • Turned on my iPod and selected Wilco
  • Done a spotlight search (for the letter “e”)
  • Typed the Spanish upside down question mark ?. I have no idea how to do that.
  • Turned on CAPS LOCK
  • Turned the volume all the way up (I usually keep it muted)
  • Downloaded a Google map to my desktop.

Someone should invent kitten repellent. A temporary mist you could spray around your desk, so the kittens don?t annotate your work unexpectedly with their kitten comments. On the door, so they can?t sneak out when you take out the garbage. On yourself, so your kittens don?t bite and claw your bare feet, arms and hands in their oh so playful and painful manner. Not to mention climbing up your legs, their needle claws digging merrily through the fabric and right into your delicate flesh. Of course, the effects would have to wear off when it?s time to cuddle.

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