Mar 06 2005

Published by at 7:56 am under Uncategorized

Complaint du jour: Don’t talk to me while I’m watching TV. I have the attention span of a particularly capricious two year old, and can’t pay attention to two things at once. If I’m watching Gilmore Girls, you are not going to win this contest. Wait until the commercials. That’s what they’re there for. In fact, I will love you more for distracting me from their dullness and/or vulgarity.

Now back to your (ir)regularly scheduled programming.

Yesterday, I went to the first home game of the Blue Jays’ Spring Training. The ballpark is charmingly high-school scale, unlike Pac Bell Park, and the crowd was enthusiastic. I’m sorry to report that the home team lost 8-4 to the very nearly home team Tampa Bay, whose team has two ex-Blue Jays, Kevin Cash and Josh Phelps.

Seen at the ballpark: VP. We’ve all heard of VPL*, but this was the full-on VP. The woman in question was wearing sheer white trousers which revealed the entire vast expanse of her flowered grannypants.~shudder~

Heard at the ballpark: “Git yer ass outta my beer!” I hasten to add that mine was not the ass in question.

Seen outside the ballpark: A 1958 Edsel station wagon! Pretty much this color, too. And pretty. Much-needed aesthetic relief after the VP (and who knew that a VP could be more repulsive than Cheney?).

*If you are fortunate enough not to have heard of this particular fashion felony, it stands for Visible Panty Lines.

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3 Responses to “”

  1. kimon 07 Mar 2005 at 12:27 am

    I agree 100% with you… he who dost distract during Gilmore Girls dost face the pure evil that is Kim.

  2. Kathleenon 07 Mar 2005 at 6:29 am

    The Edsel was a car before its time – not the evilness that most people think. I WANT ONE!!! They are so cool!!!

    My mother swears that people just don’t own a full-length mirror. It’s the only explanation for VP or VPLs. Just plain wrong!!! I NEVER wear white pants for just that reason – that and white makes your ass look bigger and God knows mine doesn’t need any help these days on that score!

  3. Kellyon 10 Mar 2005 at 9:23 am

    My parents are in full agreement with you here. They are TV addicts and I’ve long since learnd not to interrupt while they’re watching TV. If I do, though, as I walk away I hear the “boop, be-beep, boop” of the remote as Dad simply rewinds – they only watch shows on TiVo or tape now – no commercials whatsoever.

    And they love Gilmores. Dad frequently refers to me and my daughter as “the Gilmores.”