Dec 31 2004


Published by at 12:18 pm under Uncategorized

The Year In Review:

January: Recovering from Christmas Concussion. Nurse Suzy meets Frontier Suzy (which is scarier?) as I spend most of the month at my sister’s place in the country, helping to take care of Mom, who once again rises from the almost dead. She makes Lazarus look like an amateur. Bonus: lifelong fear of the dark banished by a month of darkness bootcamp.

February: Went to Florida for the first time and loved it. At least Hurricane Suzy left the place in one piece.

March: The incredibly moving Bar Mitzvah. Computer problems.

April: My blog’s third birthday. Barry Bonds hits 700. Minor, self-induced back problems.

May: Blogger’s block.

June: Baseball games, one at home and one in enemy territory. Blogger’s block continues apace. Actually do not care about my birthday! ~gasp~

July: Dogsitting. New York City! Sunburns galore and flaming appliances! Garden party envy.

August: Third anniversary of my father’s death. Suzy’s Hamptons Diary.

September: Nothing fit for public consumption*.

October: The torpor continues. Shocked out of torpor temporarily by sudden mouse invasion. Sinus infection from hell.

November: Viva Las Vegas! Sick again. So is Mom, and of course, she outdoes me and is in the hospital. After a two week stay, she is released. She’s Wonder Woman! Thanksgiving with all my siblings and assorted friends.

December: The perils of country driving for a city girl. First foray into professional photography (as a rank amateur). A cardless and gift-free Christmas. The perils of city driving (or parking) for a city girl.

*If you’re curious, email me at and I’ll give you the dirt.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “2004”

  1. cassie-bon 31 Dec 2004 at 10:15 am

    Wow – I can hardly remember what happened last week. Oh that’s right – we were in Pasadena for the holidays.

    I hope you have a wonderful 2005

  2. Amberon 31 Dec 2004 at 10:51 am

    Sounds like a crazy, busy year girl! Here’s to a fabulous 2005!