Oct 24 2004


Published by at 12:54 pm under Frivolity

You know you’ve reached the heights (or depths) of slothfulness when the cleaners actually call you and ask you to pick up your stuff. They were nice about it, but I still felt like I was getting sent to the principal’s office. If I ever had any lingering concerns about being a responsible adult, I think I can stop worrying (after all, it causes those pesky wrinkles).

So I finally picked up the cleaning. It reminded me of a conversation I once had with a guy whose family owned a dry cleaning business. He said that he’d gotten lots of great clothes from it. I asked him how, and he said, “People just forget to come and get their stuff.” Pause. “And then, you know, some of them die.”

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Clean”

  1. Colinon 26 Oct 2004 at 7:56 pm

    How incredibly… odd. Lmao, I’d kinda be freaked out if I got a call anything like that. Some of them die… what a thing to say.

  2. amyon 28 Oct 2004 at 7:14 pm

    I’m laughing – this has happened to us before. I am also the epitome of laziness as of late. I went as far as dreaming up a maid during one afternoon nap. . . But alas, it WAS a dream and I sit on the sofa next to a basket full of unfolded clothes and a dishwasher full of dishes that haven’t been unloaded. And then there is the kitchen floor that needs to be mopped and an office that I need to have readied for a guest next weekend. Damn, I need a nap even thinking about it. Good greif.

  3. Adrianon 08 Nov 2004 at 11:52 pm

    Classic. Most very amusing.