Dec 10 2003

Cat from Cat

Published by at 4:35 am under Uncategorized

Today I got Cat from Cat.

Usually, my mail consists of: bills, catalogues, flyers, and more bills. It is the mail equivalent of Twinkies.

But today, a small and mysterious package arrived from small and mysterious Wales. Inside, it was wrapped in purple paper – even better. I have to admit that I tore the purple paper off in my eagerness to see what was in it, and I was right to be excited: it was a gem of a book, Cat Haiku, from my gem of a niece, Cat, for no reason except she saw it and thought of me. It totally made my day.

Cat from Cat!

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Cat from Cat”

  1. Kimon 10 Dec 2003 at 6:24 am

    Don’t you just love surprises? There is never a better feeling of knowing someone is thinking of you! Your niece sounds wonderful.

  2. Karanon 10 Dec 2003 at 7:49 pm

    I read a book of cat haiku too…it was great. Here’s another great one: I Am a Cat — by Soseki Natsume

  3. Daisyon 11 Dec 2003 at 2:09 am

    “small and mysterious Wales” – mmm, I like that. Does she live there? On vacation? Studying? Did I miss a post?

  4. Suzyon 11 Dec 2003 at 8:16 am

    Hope all of you who know cat lovers are taking notes for great gift ideas this Christmas!

    Daisy – I didn’t post about it, but Cat changed schools and is now at university in Wales and loving it!