Jun 04 2003


Published by at 1:04 pm under Uncategorized

1:00 p.m., Birthday & Vacation Suzy Time

The combination of Vacation Suzy and Birthday Suzy is an almost overwhelmingly self-indulgent one. You know it.

When I finally woke up this morning (and, yes, it was before noon), I called Room Service. I think I should be commended for not doing this before. For one thing, I LOVE Room Service. It’s one of my totally favorite things. And just knowing that I could push a button and get what I want but not doing it is a superhuman feat for Me.

But I felt I could indulge myself on my birthday, so I called Room Service and got black coffee, grapefruit juice, and chocolate croissants, which I happily consumed while reading the New York Times, which arrives magically at my door every morning, birthday or otherwise. Is there a better way to start the day? I’m beginning to think Eloise had the right idea, living at the Plaza in New York, though in my case it would have to be the Fairmont.

Email inbox full of love and birthday wishes, and lots of phone calls. I’m moving to a suite so I’ll have room for my swollen head and ego.

Tonight’s festivities are to be held at my long-time and gorgeous friend Mary-Lou’s house. We have known each other since high school, and she was my bridesmaid. The party will be nothing but fabulous women (including the amazing Kathleen, who drove all the way from Motown just for this, and the fascinating Kelly, who really only moved to Toronto just for this) and fabulous drinks. And cake. Did I mention the cake? What’s a birthday without cake?

My horoscope says: “Despite your many comings and goings, you begin to set up a real sense of community. This leads you to bond with people like never before.”

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5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Birthday”

  1. anatheaon 04 Jun 2003 at 1:19 pm

    happiest happiest most glorious of birthdays to you! And chocolate croissants! And Cake! Sounds blissful. 🙂

  2. Colinon 04 Jun 2003 at 3:00 pm

    I hope you have an AWESOME birthday, Suzy! You deserve it!

    Plus, it’s so awesome that you’re in a hotel. If I ever became ridiculously wealthy, I would so move into a hotel. Think about it — you’ve got roomservice, it’s cleaned everyday, and no household bills! Just one really, really big hotel bill, haha! And, best of all, where else can you throw towels on the floor, knowing that they will be replaced the next morning? No where.

  3. Amberon 04 Jun 2003 at 3:27 pm

    It sounds perfect!

    Happy Birthday!

  4. Pascale Soleilon 04 Jun 2003 at 8:29 pm

    Happy Birthday! Live up to your blog title and have champagne AND potato chips!

  5. Corion 07 Jun 2003 at 5:41 am

    Happy Belated Birthday, Suzy! 🙂