Mar 11 2003


Published by at 6:45 am under Uncategorized

After brunch at Greens, we visited the Museum of Craft and Folk Art, conveniently located next door. The two boys stayed outside and chatted while the women checked out an exhibit of quilts. It occurred to me that quilting is pretty much a feminine artform and always has been, probably arising from necessity, but still a form of self-expression.

Now, traditional quilts are beautiful. My mother has one that her grandmother made that’s lovely as well as sentimental. But these quilts were art. The theme of the exhibit was immigration. All the women who made the quilts had emigrated to Australia, and the quilts told the story of their journey to their new home, their lives and families.

One that I found particularly moving showed the quilt’s creator sailing from her homeland, looking back and weeping. But to the other side, where her new home was, there were countless brilliant, beautiful butterflies. And when she was ready to turn her head and see them, she would. That’s the way it is. Eventually you are ready to turn toward the new and feel its joy and beauty.

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Quilts”

  1. LisaBon 11 Mar 2003 at 8:41 am

    I’ve been getting more and more interested in quilting lately. I think it’s inevitable that if there ever comes a time when I have space to dedicate to the craft, I’ll get started in it. I like the idea of making something that will be cherished for generations.

    The quilt exhibit must have been wonderful.

  2. Amberon 11 Mar 2003 at 8:51 am

    It sounds beautiful. Its true, eventually you’re always ready to turn toward the new.

    My grandmother quilts and it is wonderful to have them.

  3. Kellyon 11 Mar 2003 at 1:58 pm

    Sounds like an amazing exhibit. So true about the pull between past and present. I expect I would have been quite moved by that quilt as well.