Dec 27 2002


Published by at 1:44 pm under Bullshit,City Life,Dogs

I’m still sick. It’s still raining. I’m not convinced that the two are necessarily connected, but I’m also not convinced that they aren’t, either. I am, however, convinced that daily dog walking in daily rain is not conducive to evicting a cold.

Worst of all, I actually had to vacuum my own house today. For the first time in years. It’s against all the laws of nature, you know. I figured the cleaning lady couldn’t cope with the sudden, if temporary, appearance of a pit bull at my house (and I feel exactly the same way), also my Spanish, though adequate for menus and getting drinks and even suppressing drive-by flirting, is not up to explaining rental dogs, so I told her not to come back until after Mom has.

So it’s been almost three weeks since her last visit, and with my dust allergy and untidiness intolerance, I had to give in and vacuum today. I really, really hated it and am further convinced that everyone should have a cleaning lady, even the cleaning ladies. Housework, like all forms of work, is to be avoided at all costs, and if avoidance is impossible, you gotta be paid for doing it.

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One response so far

One Response to “Fallen”

  1. Colinon 27 Dec 2002 at 2:38 pm

    You poor soul… having to vacuum your house, while you’re sick! That’s a double whammy. I feel for you… house cleaning is the pits. That’s a whole new incentive to do well in school. Teachers should preach, “Study hard children, or you’ll have to clean your own houses!”

    I really hope your Christmas was nice, and that you’re feeling better soon 🙂