Archive for December 17th, 2002

Dec 17 2002

Baby Talk

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In addition to all that running around on Friday and Saturday, I spent most of what should have been my day of rest on Sunday (though can you claim that if you are not a member of any organized religion?) battling the elements to get to Oakland and back.

The object of the Oakland expedition was to see my friend Carrie and her daughter Miranda, and to deliver Miranda’s Christmas and birthday presents. Miranda will be a year old on January 3, which I find amazing. It doesn’t seem that long ago that she was a guest at Thanksgiving dinner, though an in utero one. Carrie went to the doctor once to confirm her pregnancy, and that was it. Her view was that she was pregnant, not sick. She had a glass of wine with Thanksgiving dinner. She was not your traditional expectant mother.

I don’t know if that has anything to do with the results, but Miranda is one of the very few satisfactory babies I know. She is good tempered, observant, and amusing, as well as very cute. You know how I am about aesthetics. Unfortunately, I don’t have any recent photos of the divine Ms. M., so you’ll have to take my word for it. I do, however, have one of the other satisfactory baby I know, name of Matthew (oh, and his Dad, too), so you can see his cuteness for yourself. This picture makes me smile every time I see it.

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