Archive for December 4th, 2002

Dec 04 2002

Christmas cards

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Be proud of me. Be very, very proud.

I have just written and mailed more than 60 Christmas cards. This staggering total does not include the ones going in packages of presents to be mailed, some of which I still have to wrap and then package up, much as I hate it. You can always tell when I don’t like doing things, because I put them off as much as possible. I am terrible at wrapping gifts and hate doing it. Maybe it’s your basic cause and effect.

Anyway, I feel that Christmas cards should not be pre-printed or include generic newsletters sent to all and sundry. I have the radical opinion that they should be written by hand TO the person in question, and include thoughts, sentiments and/or family news of interest to that particular person. Which makes it a very time consuming process, so I have to do it in batches over several days.

I write so little by hand now (despite the fact that I do not know how to type properly, but only in a style uniquely my own) that my handwriting has degenerated considerably from lack of use. It’s odd enough to begin with, but now it looks like an unravelled thread or the tracks of a mad spider who somehow got her legs dipped in ink. Also I get writer’s cramp almost immediately now, as my atrophied writing muscles join in a concerted complaint on being woken up from their sleep, so that makes the batches smaller, too. It seems positively old fashioned, doesn’t it? But that’s what’s good about it.

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