Nov 16 2002


Published by at 8:45 am under Dogs,Family

My brother’s best friend, Jed the Wonder Dog, is OK but had a ball-chasing accident. Chasing the ball is Jed’s main interest in life, other than going everywhere her Food Guy goes. Ball throwing for Jed is much like sex for high school guys: there’s no such thing as bad. As long as you’re getting any, you’re happy. In my family, we refer to a condition known as Jed Arm, which is the result of throwing the ball for Jed for too long (too long for you, that is. It’s never long enough for Jed).

The other day, she was chasing the ball with such intensity that she failed to notice the pointy edge of a park bench until it was too late. She gouged a hole in her chest and was immediately taken to the vet. The vet said that Jed would have to be knocked out to repair the damage, because it required inside stitches as well as outside ones, like when she was spayed. The vet said that while Jed was asleep, she’d clean Jed’s teeth, too, which needed it after 8 years of continuous kibble service.

So yesterday, Jonathan brought Jed back to the vet and held her while she was knocked out and then waited to bring his repaired dog home. Her chest is shaved where the hole was, and it’s bruised pretty badly, but Jed and her Food Guy are resting easy today.

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Bench+Ball=Ow”

  1. Kellyon 17 Nov 2002 at 10:34 am

    Awww! I am so glad to hear that it wasn’t more serious. Something tells me that Jed’s going to be even more spoiled for a while. 🙂

  2. Amyon 18 Nov 2002 at 6:35 am

    Awwwwwwww……… poor little poochie pooch. There is nothing worse than knowing your pet is in pain. I’m glad that Jed is on the mend.

  3. Amberon 18 Nov 2002 at 8:23 am

    awwww!! Poor little Jed. I’m glad to hear that she seems ok now! Yike, what a scary thing to have happen, who would have even thought that it could happen?