Jul 02 2002

Cat’s Birthday

Published by at 6:59 am under Uncategorized

Am truly a retard. I just called my niece Cat to wish her a happy birthday, and apologized that her present was going to be late, since I’m sending it home with Cat’s Mom on Thursday. Cat then pointed out that if I really wanted her present to be a surprise, I shouldn’t have Shown and Told last week. Sometimes I forget that she reads this. OK, I’m a retard. No excuses. The Dunce Cap is mine. Good thing I have Cat and her premature wisdom. Half my age, twice as smart. Love you, sweetie!

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Cat’s Birthday”

  1. Amberon 02 Jul 2002 at 2:12 pm

    hehehehe – the thought crossed my mind that she might read the blog! 😉

  2. Amyon 03 Jul 2002 at 4:46 pm

    It is a lovely gift! 🙂 It may not be a suprise but I’m sure she’ll love it all the same.

  3. Candion 05 Jul 2002 at 8:38 am

    Hahahhaa, how funny!