May 26 2002

Dilbert & Duty

Published by at 6:47 am under Uncategorized

I seem to have more pull with Google than I thought, since they have removed the offending Dilbert, hopefully permanently. However, I was quite surprised by the pro-Dilbert support. Who knew?

Knowing my Dilbert dislike will undoubtedly keep you from getting too close to me, and that’s a wise decision, since it appears that jury duty is catching. Although John and I rarely catch each other’s colds, he has caught a case of jury duty from me, starting June 17. At least he gets to go the courthouse near City Hall instead of all the way across town.

And I have finally found out exactly what I’m worth.

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5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Dilbert & Duty”

  1. Colinon 26 May 2002 at 6:15 pm

    Aww, sorry to hear you’re only worth “one dollars and fifty cents”. That must really be a blow to your self-esteem, eh?

    One time i saw this awesome site. It was a joke, but it asked a bunch of questions about you and it’d give you your actually cost. It was really funny. I wish i could remember what it was….

  2. Corion 26 May 2002 at 6:39 pm

    suzy, you’re worth a lot more than $1.50!

    don’t let the money grubbing government fool you otherwise 😉

  3. aimeeon 26 May 2002 at 7:51 pm

    lmao, that’s hilarious. i love how the government has so much money that it can’t share more than one dollar and fifty cents. hell, i spend that almost daily on a drink and snack after school during rehearsal. shit like that cracks me up!

  4. Amberon 27 May 2002 at 9:04 am

    hehehe! You’re worth millions to me Suzy :).

    (I think you should smudge out your address though…being the anal-retentive, overly cautious type that I am)

  5. Kathleenon 28 May 2002 at 4:03 am

    And don’t forgot that that $1.50 is supposed to go to your lovely place of hell, er, I mean, employment. LOL!