Mar 31 2002


Published by at 9:50 am under Uncategorized

My apartment has the scent of childhood.

I bought a bunch of lilacs on the way home on Friday, put them in a vase that belonged to Nana, my mother’s mother, and put them on my bedside table, where they have been delighting me with their beauty and fragrance ever since.

Lilacs are my favorite flowers, and have been ever since I was a little girl. I was about three years old in this picture (I LOVED that dress and it appears in many of the pictures of me taken at that time. I had a red cardigan and red shoes to match), and standing beside one of Nana’s wonderful lilac bushes. She had purple, white, and pink, and I loved them all, though I loved the purple ones best. Still do.

Nana lived in a town called Newark, near Rochester, New York, an area justly famed for its lilacs, and where the annual Lilac Festival is held in May each year. Every time I smell them, or see them, I think of Nana, her beautiful garden, and the long-ago, happy days of my childhood.

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One response so far

One Response to “Lilacs”

  1. Candion 01 Apr 2002 at 6:26 am

    Awww, what a cute picture of you, Suz! Hahah!! 🙂