Feb 09 2002

True Romance

Published by at 8:55 am under Uncategorized

Who needs Valentine’s Day when you have a spontaneously romantic guy? Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for romance, but not for being romantic on a day appointed by our friends at Hallmark and FTD, when roses cost twice what they should, even in the dead of winter, and every guy in a relationship feels pressured to come up with the perfect gift, the perfect romantic gesture/evening.

Those not in a relationship have 24 hours of feeling like complete losers, and the whole day becomes a kind of contest. You know what I mean. Women at work checking out what flowers and gifts the other women got and either being jealous or feeling inadequate. Ick. In some ways, we never really leave high school. How’s that for the horrifying thought of the day?

You might be surprised to hear that the salty half of this blog is a very romantic guy, who gives me flowers for no reason and puts little notes in my luggage when I go away without him. We often surprise each other with silly little gifts. Yesterday, I had a bad day at work and mentioned it in passing to John in an e-mail. He turned up at my office on his lunch break to give me a fuzzy pen with a floppy kitty on top to cheer me up.

Who needs to be told to be romantic on one day a year, when you have it on the other 364 without being told?

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One response so far

One Response to “True Romance”

  1. Candion 12 Feb 2002 at 8:30 am

    Awwww. You guys are so sweet together. 🙂