Dec 13 2001

Guest Kittens!

Published by at 3:09 pm under Uncategorized

My sister Megan arrived not only safely, but a few minutes early yesterday, along with her two kittens. This is unusual for Megan, whose every flight seems to be delayed. For example, on her way down to San Diego to visit Mom last week, her flight was delayed exactly as long as the actual flight. I have noticed this often happens when flying within California.

At first, United tried to tell Megan that she couldn’t bring both the kittens in one carrier, etc., but eventually they relented. They provided the kittens with their very own tickets, and didn’t even glance at the health certificate they had demanded Megan obtain for the kittens before they would be allowed on the plane. Once the plane was in the air, most of the passengers couldn’t resist checking out the smallest passengers. Megan said that from staid businessmen to kids, they were all absolutely charmed by the little cats. The carrier not only fit neatly under the seat in front of Megan’s, but also has metal bars across the top so you can see and pet the kittens without opening the carrier. So the flight, barely over an hour, passed very quickly, what with all the petting and cooing and mewing.

Anyway, when I got home yesterday, the kittens had both made themselves at home. They looked as if they had always lived here. The silver kitten, Harriet (in honor of the heroine of the classic Harriet the Spy) was sleeping on a chair in the kitchen. The brown kitten, Ramona, named for the irrepressible (and brown-haired) Ramona Quimby of the Ramona the Pest series, was happily playing in the living room.

Our Siamese cat, Jack, who thinks she’s so tough, was just horrified by the kittens and was hiding. The other cats were completely uninterested in the guest kittens. Maybe they could somehow tell that they are guest kittens and will be out of here soon.

But in the meantime…kittens to play with!

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Guest Kittens!”

  1. Candion 13 Dec 2001 at 3:48 pm

    Awwwww, they’re both so adorable!!!!!

  2. Amberon 13 Dec 2001 at 4:51 pm

    I second Candi! They are the cutest! 🙂