Oct 29 2001


Published by at 1:18 pm under Uncategorized

The fact is, I’m never going to wake up today. It’s a) Monday; and 2) scheduled to rain, so why bother? It’s after 1:00 pm, so clearly I should give in gracefully and just stay in the haze until bedtime. Even though the clocks went back an hour on Sunday morning (more time for having fun or more time for doing chores — you decide!), it didn’t help me to get up this morning or wake up at all. Yet I rarely, if ever, suffer from jet lag. Wherever I am, I more or less keep on the same schedule.

Now, Rufus, on the other hand, stays up *really* late on Friday and Saturday nights, and then has to readjust to our normal, *really* early weekday schedule on Sunday. But he gets terrible jet lag whenever we go anywhere with any kind of time change. He claims it’s because I won’t let him nap on arrival, but experts everywhere (including me) agree that napping is completely fatal when trying to adjust to a new time zone. Next time we go to Europe, he can nap and then we’ll just see.

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