Archive for May 15th, 2001

May 15 2001

Up in smoke

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This really pisses me off. It’s not my vice of choice (that particular distinction belongs to champagne), but I truly think smoking pot is really no worse for you than drinking. You’re just damaging your lungs instead of your liver, and possibly gaining weight from the munchies, but that’s about it. In fact, a case could be made that smoking pot is better since you never hear of guys firing one up and then beating their wives, which seems to be a fairly common effect of drinking.

I think it’s a shame that the courts are too puritanical to see the benefits of marijuana to those enduring chronic pain or nausea caused by chemotherapy. When I was in my teens, my family had a dear friend who had bone cancer which had spread throughout his body. He suffered the tortures of the damned and could hardly keep any food down. The only thing that kept him going was smoking pot and then eating Breyer’s vanilla bean ice cream. This was actually given to him by his doctor, and we’re talking 20 years ago. How have we managed to regress to the point where this natural substance is unacceptable when prescribed by a doctor?

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