Apr 30 2001

Get lost, dude!

Published by at 6:11 am under Uncategorized

Hey, J-P, Mind your own business! Can’t believe the Pope feels he has the right to interfere in our business. Also, couldn’t he have chosen a more worthy cause than Timothy “No Regrets” McVeigh? His Holiness also appears to be unaware of the fact that Dictator Bush used to run the killingest state in the Union, where he failed to commute even one death sentence. And even if our appointed leader wanted to commute the sentence, he couldn’t, since Timmy failed to file an appeal. Maybe the pontificating Pontiff should check his facts before putting his two liras’ worth in. What’s that, Lassie? Timmy’s going to Hell?

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One response so far

One Response to “Get lost, dude!”

  1. Candion 30 Apr 2001 at 6:56 am

    I died laughing when I heard that. I kept thinking… outside of the fact that we’re talking about Dubya, who would probably love to flip the switch himself, he wants to spare McVeigh???!!? WTF?